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The Surprising Relationship Between Body Temperature and Obesity

Note from Carolyn:
Here is another excellent article on the benefits of magnesium.

The Surprising Relationship Between Body Temperature and Obesity

The Surprising Relationship Between Body Temperature And ObesityReduced ability to maintain body temperature in colder environments can contribute to the development of weight gain and obesity in adulthood, suggests a study published in J Neurosci. Energy from food fuels the maintenance of your body temperature by generating and conserving heat. Nearly half of the human energy produced in a typical life is used to maintain a body temperature of about 37 degrees Celsius. Since 1980, obesity has been one of the world's biggest epidemics with about 1.9 billion people being overweight, and 15% of those living with severe forms of obesity such as the 'morbid' category. Obesity is linked to body temperature regarding how the body consumes the stored fat when exposed to cold temperatures.

Obesity and its dangers

Gaining a few pounds over the cause of a year may not seem alarming, but over time, it may add up uncontrollably, eventually causing obesity. This condition increases the risk of many health problems including cardiovascular diseases, certain types of cancer, diabetes, and stroke. Moreso, gaining excess weight during pregnancy may facilitate short and long-term health problems for you and your child. While determining what level of weight gain is safe can be a bit hard, body mass index(BMI) score and your waist size could help give insight. For instance, BMI measures your weight relative to your height and provides a score with categorizing you as being normal weight, overweight or obese.

Obesity is linked to body temperature

Alfonso Raimundez of the University of Santiago and his team found an astonishing link between obesity and body temperature. They achieved this by examining mice whereby the TRPM8 gene which is responsible for the body's reaction to cold was damaged. Destroying this gene strangely affected the appetite of mice and how their bodies used fat deposits when exposed to low temperatures. Also, the mice developed significant insomnia which rapidly led to weight gain. During the study, there was an exciting twist whereby obesity developed only after the mice were 6 months old, which corresponds to late adolescence in humans. The study's results insinuated that body temperature is related to obesity and that type 2 diabetes can similarly develop in persons who have mutations in the TRPM8 gene.

Helping your body regulate body temperature

To maintain a consistent temperature, the human body requires certain nutrients, including water and magnesium. The evaporation of sweat from your skin helps to cool the body during exercise or hot weather. Men should take about 13 cups of fluids in a day and 9 for women, as recommended by the Institute of Medicine. Similarly, magnesium which is the 4th most abundant mineral in the body plays a vital role in various body functions such as energy metabolism, blood sugar, and pressure regulation, and most importantly, regulating body temperature. Some of the most available sources of magnesium include almonds, soybeans, cashews. spinach, avocados, and oatmeal. Its recommended intake varies according to age and gender, as noted by the National Institute of Health Office of Dietary Supplements.

If you are overweight, losing as little as 5% of your weight actively lowers the risk of contracting several diseases. To facilitate loss, you should get at least 150 minutes of aerobic activity and remain active for about 300 minutes a week, according to Federal Guidelines of Physical Activity. While exercise is considered the most basic way to keep fit, you cannot forego the advantages of keeping your body temperature in check. To assist your body in maintaining the correct body heat, whether you are exercising or not, be sure to consume water and foods that are rich in magnesium.

Article by Jennifer Dawson

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