
Lupus is a painful and potentially life threatening condition where your immune system attacks your own body. Though doctors have found some hereditary predispositions to the illness, they have not zeroed in on any one cause or even groups of causes. There are a few things they have found contribute to developing the illness, or developing flare ups of the illness. These include things ranging from sulfa containing antibiotics to Echinacea taken on an ongoing basis. Because the immune system can attack all parts of your body this is not an illness to be taken lightly. It can affect your joints, skin kidneys, blood vessels, eyes, lungs, nerves and even heart. The most common causes of death from lupus are inflammation of the heart and kidney failure.
Because this is such a dangerous disease you need to be in contact with a health care professional. They need to be able to monitor your condition and be able to intervene if serious side effects occur. That being said the most common treatments by an allopathic doctor are NSAIDS, and steroids. If you want to avoid either one of those you might consider seeing a Naturopath instead. I know of one in Idaho that deals with all sorts of autoimmune diseases, and is a really nice lady. You can check her out at
A Naturopath will look for the cause of your disease. Autoimmune diseases (of which lupus is just one) can be caused by hormone imbalances, digestion problems, food allergies, and weakness of the adrenal glands, or exposure to certain infections. Epstein Barr is one of those infections, but don’t go out and get the vaccine for it. There is strong evidence that even being exposed to the vaccine can trigger someone susceptible to developing Lupus.
Some of the things a Naturopath will guide you through you can do on your own. They include knocking out free radicals in your body. Enriching Gifts Metabolic Complete would be a help in this area. This product includes seven different compounds that have been shown to be effective in fighting free radicals.
Another substance you can look for is DHEA. Even the allopathic doctors are beginning to look at the potential of this substance in the fight against Lupus. Tow U.S. studies have shown benefits along with one in Taiwan.
Inflammation is one of the common symptoms of lupus. Instead of using NSAIDS you can try changing the types of fats you consume. Fats coming from fish oils (EPA & DHA) or certain plant oils (GLA) have been shown to reduce inflammation.
Leaky gut syndrome has been long believed to be one of the causes of Lupus. Leaky gut syndrome is an increased permeability of the intestines which can cause molecules from incompletely digested foods and bacteria to seep through the intestinal walls and enter the bloodstream. This sets off an immune response. Three Enriching Gifts products can help with this problem.
Enriching Gifts Plant Enzymes works both in your digestive tract and in your bloodstream. Taken with meals Enriching Gifts Plant Enzymes helps your body digest the food you eat quickly and efficiently. This reduces the bacteria build up that can cause leaky gut. Enriching Gifts Plant Enzymes work in another way. Taken between meals Enriching Gifts Plant Enzymes act as an anti-inflammatory. They do this by breaking down the fibrin that blocks off areas of inflammation and interrupts blood flow. This allows more blood to enter the area and heal the inflammation.
Enriching Gifts Pro-Biotic with FOS also helps by replacing those bad bacteria with good bacteria. This allows the permeable intestines a chance to heal. It also prevents the bad bacteria from growing out of control again.
Because Lupus is an autoimmune disorder you may consider strengthening the immune system. This flies in the face of medical (allopathic) logic. They will want to use immune suppressing drugs. Anecdotal evidence shows that if you strengthen the immune system it has a tendency to balance itself, and thus quit attacking the body. If you ever looked at a wild animal being attacked from all directions you will notice that it attacks anything that comes near it, including those trying to help. What we think happens is that when they immune system is weak it behaves like the wild animal. It quits differentiating between what it is supposed to attack and your own body. By feeding it the reaction is like calming down the wild animal. It realizes that not everything is the enemy and learns to attack what it is supposed to attack.
A great product for accomplishing this is Enriching Gifts Sterol-Max. Plant sterols have been shown in numerous studies to strengthen the immune system, and Enriching Gifts Sterol-Max is some of the best. Start with six every morning for at least 30 days. You can then drop back and see if you can maintain on a dosage of three every morning. Enriching Gifts Sterol-Max should be taken on an empty stomach in order to boost your immune system.
Whatever you decide to try I want to emphasize again that Lupus can be either mild or life threatening. Mild symptoms are easy to try new things, but don’t be afraid to get some professional help to keep it from becoming life threatening.
Sources: Nature’s Medicines by Gale Maleskey and the Editors of Prevention Health Books, copyright 1999 by Rodale Inc.
(This information is not intended to serve as a prescription, or to diagnose, treat or replace the advice of your medical doctor. If you have any medical conditions or are taking prescription or non-prescription medications, consult your physician before altering or discounting the use of them.)